Art Heals

Why do we need art if we can’t eat it, clothe or house ourselves with it? Does it just fill an empty space on the wall with color?

Several decads ago I was having dinner at a friends house when her spouse began a discussion about why should his taxes fund the local theatre group if he wasn’t interested in going to performances or participating in any way? I was struck dumb. My jaw dropped and I just stared at him not knowing what to say. I knew that his view was that art was unnecessary but I didn’t realize that it extended beyond the walls of his home. I have never forgotten that moment and I wish I could go back in time and re do that conversation. There are so many reasons why I feel art is absolutely essential to our lives. I’ll name a few.

1)Art can evoke a wide range of emotions from joy and excitement, from wonder, to introspection and contemplation. Consider an abstract painting of expressive brushstrokes and vivid colors (Joan Mitchell is my favorite) or Monet’s Water Lillies. Our lives are much smaller when we limit ourselves to what we know and feel right now.

2)Art allows us to explore other cultures and perspectives, expanding our horizons and fostering empathy. We are working from home, spending more time on screens, interacting with others more and more through social media, all making us more isolated and less empathetic. An afternoon in a museum can remind us of the incredible diversity we have at our fingertips and who we are.

3)Art stimulates emotional and intellectual growth and encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills. Next time you are baffled by an abstract painting, consider it for a few minutes. How would you describe it critically? (Not “my 6 year old could do this”.) What colors, what kind of marks, what feeling does it have compared to another painting. Why?

4)Art is a form of self expression which can offer solace, inspiration or a deep form of communication between artist and viewer. This communication can’t be explained but rather, felt.

A visit to a museum can ease anxiety, depression even chronic pain. Read an article on this subject from Hyperallergic here.

What do you think? Send me a comment, I would love to hear your view and personal experiences about this.

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When art surprises you